About us


With over 30 years of experience in the local market Tuscan Villa Sales offers an unrivalled personal service. Property Sales, Property Management and Holiday Rentals, are all handled from our Pietrasanta office by fully qualified bi-lingual (Italian/English) management and staff.

Estate Agency / Real Estate

Tuscan Villa Sales offers a 360 degree service for home buying including; property search, guidance through the Italian legal system, translation and a full pre-post sales service. We assist you all the way from opening an Italian bank account to moving your furniture into your holiday home.

Property and Estate Management

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From the city centre apartment to a rural estate – Tuscan Villa Sales is with you all the way to help run and maintain your dream Italian property.

Holiday Rentals are handled by our sister company Tuscany in Style, we offer superb accommodation in the Pietrasanta and Lucca in area available to rent monthly, weekly or for the weekend. We have the expertise to provide realistic and detailed rental forecasts for your potential holiday home.

 More informations ? Browse our range of villas or apartments online.

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